

Frequently Asked Questions

We recommend you order as soon as possible as the Kits become very popular around arrivals week! You can order now and select a delivery date for arrival. In peak times delivery can be up to a week and in quieter times 2 working days.

Unfortunately, we don’t currently offer a service where we rent items, but we have many customers who buy our basic bedding for summer school, then donate it to a local charity after use.

Unfortunately, items do on the rare occasion get damaged in transit. If this has happened, then please email us with a photo of the damaged item and we can look in to this.

We don’t accept cod as we use third party couriers who are unable to accept cash. We do accept PayPal and all major credit and debit cards.

The best way to contact us by filling out the form or by emailing us at We are happy to answer any questions or resolve any problems and we will answer emails within 24 hours maximum; however we answer most emails within just a few hours.

You will need to contact your accommodation provider as some hall managers keep packages in a secure room until your arrival, while some will place in your room. If when you arrive your package isn’t there then please check with your accommodation provider first.

Our courier will email you your tracking details so that you can live track your parcel online. We will also email you the day before your pack is delivered advising that it’s on its way but if you need further details, please email us and we will give you any information you require.

Please email us detailing what item you need and we will try our best to have the item included within the pack you choose. We understand that sometimes you will need a specific item that is not available on our website so we can usually source any extras you require.

Yes, we use Stripe as our payment host, meaning that you can pay using your credit card, debit card or Paypal account with confidence. You can also see details of our SSL certificate at the top of the homepage

© 2022 MYUNIPACK UK. All Rights Reserved. Disclaimer: the prices are subject to change.